2021 Farming
I have some unusual crop plans for this year. First, a majority of our 180 acres will be planted to soybeans. I've had the west side of the farm in corn for two years. Part of it for three years. It's good to rotate out to help get rid of certain weeds and bugs. On the east side (of the road) I'm going to intercrop corn, beans, corn, beans, six rows of each over about 60 acres. This enables to corn to get more sunlight on each edge. Come back to watch the progress.
Flag test results
Some ears on intercrop edge
Sept 17 - harvest time
Large ears - July 17, small 5 days earlier
July 19 beans
Every other Monday morning tissue and soil samples sent to the lab.
June 28th intercropped corn / beans
Made 15' boom for spraying waterhemp in beans.
Waterhemp with Enlist.
Y-drop setup for applying Nitrogen (32%) to intercropped corn.
Checking root development
Intercropping June 9th
Flag test May 24, not good emergence
The north 5 varieties of corn are intercropped: 6 rows corn, 6 beans, 6 corn, etc. with a border of beans.
Planted May 1, now May 12
Flag test day 1 on May 12