I have a solar powered box that will be set in the field at our farm to monitor soil and air temperature and soil moisture.
The temps are uploaded to the webpage via a cell phone connection using a Particle Boron.
4/14/21: New Boron arrived yesterday. Made a new case for the electronics behind a small solar cell. It's currently set in our
garden. Will move to our farm in the next few days if all goes well.
4/23/21: New Boron lasted 1 1/2 hours. Flashes red. Cannot reset. I am talking to the Particle Service Department and ordered another one.
From some of the documentation I read, I think the failure was related to it loosing power at a critical time as its LiPo battery drained.
The last report to my webpage showed the SoC (State of charge) at .10 so the battery was almost dead when I hooked it up. I
have ordered a large LiPo battery and will try it again. I'm hoping Particle will replace the failed Boron.
5/21/21: I finally got some time to work on this again. I did a reload on 2 software libraries for the temperature sensors and
the sensors have worked flawlessly for about 24 hours. That's a good sign. It's running off a 6,000 mAh LiPo battery.
Next thing is to build an enclusure for this big battery and hook up the solar charger.
The graph may be empty or have weird spikes and valleys are a result of malfunctions of the device, taking it home, modifying the
program, etc.